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Nurse Maude Hospice Shops Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:27   Medical & Emergency   45 Merrin Street Avonhead Christchurch 8042   46 views Reference: 80674

0.0 star

Servicing: Canterbury Region

Tagline: Also known as: Nurse Maude Associaiton

Click to get direction: 45 Merrin Street Avonhead Christchurch 8042

Contact Info(s):

O: 033574359

Opening hours


Year est.


Parking options

Free On-Street

About Nurse Maude Hospice Shops

Kaiapoi - 172 Williams Street, Kaiapoi Closed on Weekends Merrin Street - 45 Merrin Street, Avonhead Open 10am - 4pm on Weekends Merivale - 186 Papanui Road, Merivale Open 10am - 4pm on Weekends Sumner - Cnr Marriner & Burgess Streets, Sumner Open 10am - 4pm on Weekends The Palms - The Palms Shopping Centre, Shirley Closed on Weekends Beckenham - 147 Colombo Street, Beckenham Open 10am - 4pm on Weekends Rangiora - 73 High Street, Rangiora Closed on Weekends Caring for the community since 1896. In Canterbury, Nurse Maude offers district nursing, specialist nursing clinics and home support services. We also have a modern, 75-bed hospital level, aged-care residential facility as well as the Nurse Maude Hospice. Nurse Maude provides community nursing and homecare services to more than 400,000 people in the Canterbury region. Our reputation for delivering consistently high-quality nursing and homecare is due to the experience, professionalism, and sheer drive of our people.

What makes us different

Our experience and compassion combined with a collaborative and innovative approach to meeting increasing health needs has made Nurse Maude a trusted and significant contributor in the health sector.

Website: http://nursemaude.org.nz

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