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Northland Prosthodontics Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 04:51   Medical & Emergency   8/3 Akoranga Drive Northcote Auckland 0627   23 views Reference: 37395

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Servicing: Auckland Region

Click to get direction: 8/3 Akoranga Drive Northcote Auckland 0627

Contact Info(s):

O: 094867778

About Northland Prosthodontics Ltd

Northland Prosthodontics Ltd is the practice with the only denture specialist in Northland - Dr Alan GT Payne. The practice is located now within NorthShore oral and Maxillo-facial Surgeons, Northcote, Northshore, Auckland. Historically, for the past 10 yeas Northland Prosthodontics Ltd was associated with Gentle Dental-Gus Cameron in Whangarei.

If you are a patient and would like a higher standard of care for your denture treatment, as compared to dentists or clinical dental technicians, this is the place to come to. It is also "Quality Dentistry at the Right Price". Many dentists decide to refer their denture and implant patients to us as well, as they often are unable to address those patients needs. The practice is a registered ACC provider for rehabilitation's/reconstructions with implants, crowns, bridges and dentures.

We also treat patients with missing teeth, worn out teeth, discoloured teeth, gappy smiles needing cosmetic dentistry / oral rehabilitation's, veneers, crowns (caps), bridges and implant crowns and bridges. Regrettably, in today's stressful world we treat many patients with tooth wear due to grinding or excessive acidic juice intake sometimes resulting in joint disorders.

A prosthodontist is a diagnostic and treatment-planning expert who deals commonly with complex dental problems. Ordinary dentistry is also part of prosthodontics. All dentistry demands attention to fine detail. A prosthodontist is a specialist in cosmetic, implant and restorative dentistry, who has spent additional years in full-time study advancing his knowledge, skill and ability.

A prosthodontist will often work in a team to achieve optimal, long-term dental health. There needs to be close cooperation between the general dentist, periodontist, oral surgeon, orthodontist, as well as the highly skilled dental technicians in working with you, the patient, to achieve aesthetically pleasing long-term dental health. Sound gum (periodontal) health is a pre-requisite for long-term success. The patient is seen in this practice as the most important member of the team.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-payne-4948251a?trk=hp-identity-name

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