Noel McIntyre Drainage Ltd Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 16:47 Professional Services Invercargill 32 views Reference: 202208Location: Invercargill
Contact Info(s):
O: 032357090
F: 0274328637
Products and Services
EquipmentBulldozers, Trucks, Bulldozers, Trucks, Excavators, Bulldozers
TradesDrainage Contractors, Landscapers, Operators, Drainage Contractors
Markets ServedCommercial, Agricultural, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Visit Us Online, Visit Us Online
ServicesEarthmoving, Irrigation, Road Building, Road preparation, Draining, Building, Inspections, Maintenance, Road Building, Excavating, Clearing, Excavations, Construction, Hauling, Construction Management, Irrigation
StructuresRoadways, Roads
About Noel McIntyre Drainage Ltd
Here at Noel McIntyre Drainage Ltd we specialise in Invercargill drainage, our team provides a range of contracting, earthmoving or drainage work throughout the Southland region that you can rely on. With a wealth of knowledge and superior equipment, we can complete any drainage work you need; from digging and laying drainage coils to large open drains, even swamp work, we cover it all.
Here at Noel McIntyre Drainage Ltd, we specialise in a range of work including:
- Farm Drainage
- Effluent & Irrigation Ponds
- Roading, Forestry and Dairy Lanes
- Machines (Excavators, Bulldozers, and Trucks etc.)
Contact our friendly team today with any enquiries: you can also visit us online for more information!
What makes us different
Our forte is forestry roading. We have extensive knowledge and experience of all types of drainage work from digging and laying drainage coils to large open drains, even swamp work. We construct ponds and have experience in dairy lanes and maintenance. We know what is required and we deliver.
earthmoversWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.