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Nobilo & Co Professional

Sep 9th, 2022 at 22:03   Professional Services   Unit B2, 18 Oteha Valley Road Albany Auckland 0632   31 views Reference: 457
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Click to get direction: Unit B2, 18 Oteha Valley Road Albany Auckland 0632

Contact Info(s):

O: 094157518

F: 094157511

Opening hours


Products and Services


Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand


Small Businesses


Trusts, Master Trusts, Financial Statements, Goods and Service Tax


Tax Advisors, Tax Agents


Taxes, Income Tax, Personal Taxes


Business Development, BankLink, Tax Deduction Checking, Structuring, Incorporations, Valuations, Budgeting, Tax Advice, Financial Reporting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, Annual Reports, GST


Chartered, Registered, Chartered Accountant



Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Credit Terms Available
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Personal Cheques

Mailing address

PO Box 300114 Albany Auckland 0752

About Nobilo & Co

At Nobilo & Co Chartered Accountants, our focus is to provide the ultimate protection and service in regard to you and the IRD, and to maximise your profitability while complying with all aspects of NZ law. We have recently upgraded this website with a view for continual improvement and enhancements for the benefit of our clients.

Most of our clients are smaller businesses operating in Auckland. We advise businesses such as builders, engineers, doctors, physiotherapists, retailers, distributors, technicians, professionals, developers, graphic artists, insurance agents, farmers, tradesmen, travel agents, pre-schools, schools, architects, bloodstock consultants and many more.

We also have some larger businesses on our books, some international corporations, and have been providing effective accounting and tax advice to this mix of clientele for many years.

Our services include;- Annual accounts and Tax returns- Monthly Reporting- Accounting Systems and Business Development- Taxation- Trusts and Trust Administration- Company Formation and Statutory Maintenance- Buying or Selling a Business and Business Valuation- Budgets/ Cashflows/ Loan Applications/ Business Plans- Financial Advice- Limited Partnerships

We pride ourselves in offering true value for money. We are always contactable, cater to all clients demands and are constantly reviewing our practice for efficiencies and the latest technology. We are members of NZICA and are periodically reviewed for quality control by them. We also have ATO status with NZICA allowing us to attract talented staff to the practice.

Please don't hesitate to email or phone us with your enquiry

What makes us different

Our clients range from small, sole-trader firms to large enterprises. We provide tailored service to meet your business needs.

We pride ourselves in offering friendly and preofessional service and provide true value for money.

Website: http://www.nobiloandco.co.nz

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