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Newdane Motors 2007 Ltd WOF Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:22   Auto Services   251 Great South Road Greenlane Auckland 1051   29 views Reference: 18360
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Click to get direction: 251 Great South Road Greenlane Auckland 1051

Contact Info(s):

O: 095203091

F: 095203448

Opening hours


Products and Services

Courtesy Services

Courtesy Cars


Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics


Engines, Diesel Engines, Starters, CV Boots, Timing Belts, Automatic Transmissions, Bumpers, Manual Transmissions, Gearboxes, Alternators, Mufflers, Clutches, Lights, Transmissions, Brake Pads, CV Joints, Batteries, Cables, Brakes


Breakdowns, No Starts, Breakdowns, Emissions




Electrical Systems


Towing, Vehicle Diagnostics, Electrical Work, Tune-ups, Repairs, Inspections, Diagnostics, Tyre Changes, Maintenance, Auto Diagnostics, Installation, Repairs, Alignments, Tune-ups, Balancing, Tyre Balancing, Troubleshooting, Replacement


WOF, Warrant of Fitness, Warrant of Fitness

Year est.


Parking options

Free On-Street

Payment options


About Newdane Motors 2007 Ltd WOF

Welcome to Newdane Motors, we are your one-stop shop for all your servicing needs. We provide top quality mechanical service and repairs to all makes and models of cars, vans, and 4WDs.

You know your car is in good hands when the workshop owner has the knowledge and experience to rival most other car experts

Michael, owner, in particular has a wide knowledge of diagnostics and experience to rival most in Auckland. He is a qualified Automotive Engineer with MITO New Zealand. He has been through extensive diagnostics training with AECS.

We fix, not guess, the problems of your vehicle

All repairs including mechanical, auto-electrical faults, breakdowns, air-conditioning, diagnostics, diesel engines, and brake repairs or replacements are competently handled by a skilled team of technicians. They use the best diagnostic equipment and have extensive experience.

More than vehicle diagnostics and auto repair....

We also provide Warrant of Fitness certification (WOFs), wheel alignments, and sort out your suspension, auto electrical, clutch issues and transmission repairs too. You don't need to go to separate mechanics, auto-electricians or panel-beaters, come to Newdane Motors and let us take care of everything!

We have courtesy cars available, and a towing service.

Call us or come in and see us in the heart of Greenlane for friendly, efficient work on your vehicle. We now service Ssangyong

What makes us different

Our reputation sets us apart...
Because we have been in the industry for over 30 years
Because we are diagnostic experts
Because we are MTA members
Because we fix, not guess, the problems of your vehicle!

Website: https://newdanemotors.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewdaneMotors/

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