Newberrys Funeral Services Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 00:13 Trades & Services Servicing: Whangarei Area 23 views Reference: 170513Location: Servicing: Whangarei Area
Contact Info(s):
O: 094382644
F: 094382555
Products and Services
AssociationsFuneral Directors Association of New Zealand
TradesFuneral Directors
FacilitiesChapel, Funeral Home, Viewing Room
Payment OptionsPrepaid Plans
ProductsCaskets, Memorials, Headstones
ServicesFuneral Planning, To Customer Requirements, Funeral Information, Catering, Cremation, Preplanning, Burial
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated
Year est.
About Newberrys Funeral Services
A funeral service is more than a single day in a lifetime. It's a lifetime in a single day.
Newberrys Funeral Services is dedicated to providing all the support, compassion and consideration during your journey of grief.
We will work with you to make the day fit the kind of service you would like. We are available 24 hours a day.
Our facilities include:
- Funeral home complex
- Two Chapels
- Meet and greet area
- Reception lounge
- Kitchen
- Big screen TV
- Private viewing rooms
- Casket selection room
- Transfer vehicles and Hearses
Be assured that when you talk with one of our understanding Funeral Directors, you will be treated as a friend, because we genuinely care.
Please get in touch, we're here offer all the help we can.
What makes us different
Newberrys has assisted families in Whangarei and Northland since 1866. We are Whangarei's only 100% locally owned and operated funeral home with caring, qualified and experienced Funeral Directors and our focus being on our community.
funeral-directorsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.