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New Zealand Car Parts Tauranga Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 00:01   Auto Services   18 Tyne Street Mount Maunganui Tauranga 3116   29 views Reference: 74072
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Servicing: Opotiki Area, Rotorua Area, Taupo Area, Tauranga Area, Te Puke Area, Whakatane Area

Click to get direction: 18 Tyne Street Mount Maunganui Tauranga 3116

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800739373

Opening hours


Products and Services

Vehicle Type



Trucks, Cars




Mufflers, Gearboxes, Body Panels, Alternators, Clutches, Mag Wheels, Lights, CV Joints, Engines

Service Options

Online Information, Delivery

Price Information

Second Hand


Locally Operated, Locally Owned, Genuine Parts

Year est.



Collision Repair Association
Collision Repair Association
Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Motor Trade Association (Inc)

Mailing address

PO Box 22607 Otahuhu Auckland 1640

About New Zealand Car Parts Tauranga

At New Zealand Car Parts Ltd, we price our parts to sell! As New Zealand's premier car parts importer and recycler, we stock and supply a huge range of parts for Japanese & European vehicles.

At New Zealand Car Parts Ltd our aim is to supply you with the part that you need. And with heaps of available stock, we will do everything to provide a solution to your requirements.

We have a huge range of European and Japanese mechanical parts, have thousands of electrical parts, as well as, a comprehensive range of European and Japanese panel parts to choose from.

So whether you are looking for body panels, tyres, engines, transmissions, alternators, starter motors, wiring looms, doors, bonnets, boot-lids and more, please get in touch with our experienced staff by calling our toll free number to discuss your requirements and for a quote or check out our website for more information today.

What makes us different

We are the biggest car parts importer in New Zealand and we provide quality auto parts at affordable prices. We have over 30 years of experience and provide fast service along with competitive prices. Delivery or pick ups of parts occur the following day of placing an order. We provide a range of new, used and aftermarket car and truck parts, headlights, panels and accessories.

Website: http://www.begroup.co.nz

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