Nelson Truck Repairs & Spares Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:05 Auto Services 10 Venice Place Stoke Nelson 7011 25 views Reference: 232690Location: 10 Venice Place Stoke Nelson 7011
Servicing: Nelson Region
Click to get direction: 10 Venice Place Stoke Nelson 7011
Contact Info(s):
O: 035473712
F: 0800772737
Mailing address
PO Box 2032 Stoke Nelson 7041
About Nelson Truck Repairs & Spares Ltd
Nelson Truck Repairs & Spares Ltd are the only independent truck workshop in Nelson. Our full mechanical workshop looks after a wide range of truck/commercial vehicles maintenance, repair and servicing requirements. We specialise in small to mid-range vehicles. We are proud to have recently purchased a Multibrand Diagnostic Tool that will talk to pretty much every late model commercial vehicle, including trailers. Give the team a call today!
Visit our purpose built workshop - 10 Venice Place, Stoke, Nelson
automotive-repairsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Nelson Truck Repairs & Spares Ltd
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About Seller
Nelson Truck Repairs & Spares Ltd are the only independent truck workshop in Nelson. Our full mechanical workshop looks after a wide range of truck/commercial vehicles maintenance, repair and servicing requirements. We specialise in small to mid-range vehicles. We are proud to have recently purchased a Multibrand Diagnostic Tool that will talk to pretty much every late model commercial vehicle, including trailers. Give the team a call today!
Visit our purpose built workshop - 10 Venice Place, Stoke, Nelson