National Forklift Training Ltd Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:14 Auto Services Highbrook Drive East Tamaki Auckland 2013 26 views Reference: 17539Click to get direction: Highbrook Drive East Tamaki Auckland 2013
Contact Info(s):
O: 092716565
F: 092716666
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
AssociationsNew Zealand Qualifications Authority
ClassesAccident Investigation, Safety Driving
Credentials GrantedWork Licencing, Certificate, Licence
VehiclesSit Down Forklifts, Forklifts, Trucks
Duration1 Day, 2 Days
LevelsIntermediate, Beginner
ServicesDamage Assessments, Training, Licencing, Site Assessments, Driving Tests, Risk Assessments, Consulting, Education
AssurancesIndependently Owned & Operated, Certified, Registered, Licensed
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
Mailing address
PO Box 204029 Highbrook Manukau 2161
About National Forklift Training Ltd
24hour/7-day means flexible hours to suit your busy schedules. Our motto is "Serious Training - Safe Operators - No Compromise" and we believe we can make a difference in your workplace! Started over 20 years ago NFT has grown to become one of NZ's foremost authorities on training both new and experienced Forklift Operators.
We offer you:+ Friendly, helpful staff. + Competitive prices. + Renewal reminders prior to expiry. + Training on your site or ours. + 24hour/7day service. + F Endorsements. + NZQA Unit Standards
Our DOL approved courses cover the following equipment:+ Internal Combustion Forklifts. + Battery Electric Units. + Walkie/Walkie Reach/Stacker. + Stockpickers. + Reach Trucks. + Ride on Counterbalance. + Container Handling Equipment. + Bendi/Combilift.+ and many more...
Other Courses available:+ Dangerous Goods. + Classes 2,4,5 Truck Licensing. + Gantry Crane. + Elevated Work Platform.
What makes us different
National Forklift Training Ltd. is a 100% New Zealand Owned and Operated company offer Forklift driver training courses as well as other courses. Our skilled staff provide 24/7 training which makes it flexible for the clients. We provide training for beginners as well as standard training course. We are also specialised in provide training for axle trucks, rigid trucks, truck and trailer as well as many more
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.