Multispares NZ Ltd Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:16 Auto Services 9 Vestey Drive Mt Wellington Auckland 56 views Reference: 17787Location: 9 Vestey Drive Mt Wellington Auckland
Click to get direction: 9 Vestey Drive Mt Wellington Auckland
Contact Info(s):
O: 092700715
F: 092767022
Products and Services
MakesFlat, Hino, MAN
VehiclesMercedes-Benz, Buses, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Isuzu, Volvo
PartsClutches, Flywheels, Drums, Filters, Brakes, Scania, Engines
Service OptionsOnline Information, Quotes, Visit Us Online
SystemsSuspensions, Electrical Systems
ServicesDistribution, To Customer Requirements
Price InformationDirect Purchasing
AssurancesRegistered, Locally Operated, Locally Owned, Genuine Parts
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAbout Multispares NZ Ltd
Welcome to Multispares Truck and Bus Parts, we provide mainstream distribution for aftermarket Japanese and European truck and bus parts. We have a huge range and offer our customers the best quality, service and price!
Our products are sourced from leading manufacturers in Asia and Europe, many of them certified original equipment suppliers. We stand behind the quality of our products, especially their reliability and durability in service.
We work hard with the high quality producers to eliminate unnecessary costs and we buy in the right quantities to reduce our prices. We run a fully integrated distribution network, allowing us to efficiently import, distribute and hold stock close to customers. The result is lower prices on high quality products!
Please contact us to discuss your requirements, alternatively see our website for more information
What makes us different
We distribute aftermarket truck and bus parts and services. Our products are sourced from leading manufacturers and specialist suppliers in all regions worldwide. We have been operating for over 35 years.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.