Mt Albert Osteopathy & Natural Therapy Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 20:28 Medical & Emergency 888 New North Rd Mount Albert Auckland 1025 29 views Reference: 267318Click to get direction: 888 New North Rd Mount Albert Auckland 1025
Contact Info(s):
O: 096209757
F: 02102634437
Mailing address
888 New North Road Mount Albert Auckland 1025
About Mt Albert Osteopathy & Natural Therapy
Are you looking for Osteopaths in the Auckland Region? Mt Albert Osteopathy & Natural Therapy service this area, and have been around since 1993. Get in touch today!
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Seller Information
Mt Albert Osteopathy & Natural Therapy
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About Seller
At Hibiscus & Mt Albert Osteopathy & Natural Therapy we provide you with a safe and effective individualised program using the latest advances in Alternative Medicine supported by an extensive skill base accumulated over many years, both here in New Zealand, as well as in the UK. The products I use are professionally formulated to ensure effective results.
With 7 years experience in a top London gynaecology clinic Ian Whitehouse brings these skills to treat Womens Health and Fertility. Treatments are available for the male partner and I support IVF protocols to ensure greater success. I have extensive training in Integrative Psychology as well.
Allergy testing is also available and this is child friendly and non-invasive. In addition I have scientifically validated programs using sound therapy to assist children with learning problems at school, ADD, Dyspraxia, Autism etc.
Please ring us for opening hours. There is much more available and many areas that I can help, so please visit Hibiscus & Mt Albert Osteopathy & Natural Therapy website today for more information. You will be pleased that you did.