Mobile Vehicle Services Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 01:09 Auto Services 60 Harold Holt Avenue Onekawa Napier 21 views Reference: 125593Location: 60 Harold Holt Avenue Onekawa Napier
Servicing: Hawkes Bay, Marlborough Region
Click to get direction: 60 Harold Holt Avenue Onekawa Napier
Contact Info(s):
O: 068434166
F: 0272458520
About Mobile Vehicle Services
Take the hassle out of vehicle repairs and maintenance by calling the mobile automotive mechanic that comes to you!
At Mobile Vehicle Services we understand that it can take time out of your already busy day to bring your car to the mechanic, so instead we will visit you at home or at work and complete everything onsite.
Our services include:
- Electrical/Mechanical Repairs
- Tune-Ups (Computerised Diagnostic Equipment)
- Lubes and Oil Changes
- Breakdowns
- Battery Repairs/Replacements
- Auto Electrical Servicing
All our work is guaranteed.
Please call or email for more information and to book a visit from our car mechanic today!
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Mobile Vehicle Services
Total Listing
About Seller
Take the hassle out of vehicle repairs and maintenance by calling the mobile automotive mechanic that comes to you!
At Mobile Vehicle Services we understand that it can take time out of your already busy day to bring your car to the mechanic, so instead we will visit you at home or at work and complete everything onsite.
Our services include:
Electrical/Mechanical Repairs
Tune-Ups (Computerised Diagnostic Equipment)
Lubes and Oil Changes
Battery Repairs/Replacements
Auto Electrical Servicing
All our work is guaranteed.
Please call or email for more information and to book a visit from our car mechanic today!