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Moana Osteopathy Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 20:48   Medical & Emergency   Servicing: Otaihanga, Paekakariki, Paraparaumu, Paraparaumu Beach, Peka Peka, Raumati South, Waikanae, Waikanae Beach, Raumati Beach   21 views Reference: 292346

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0225191453

About Moana Osteopathy

Osteopathy for everybody from newborns through to the later years for a wide range of health conditions. Located conveniently in central Paraparaumu Town (near Coastlands Mall) serving all the communities of the Kapiti Coast: Paraparaumu, Waikanae, Raumati, Te Horo, Peka Peka, Otaki, Paekakariki and beyond. Moana Osteopathy is run by registered Osteopath Susann Rubitzsch and aims to provide the best possible osteopathic care through manual therapy and advice to support you and your family towards better health and functioning at your optimum. Susann is an osteopath for babies, children, young people and adults treating a wide range of health conditions including back pain, neck pain, sport's injuries, shoulder pain, sciatica, joint sprains, pelvic pain, jaw pain, headaches, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow/golfer's elbow, hip, knee & foot pain and so much more.

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