MJ Motors - MTA Member Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:31 Auto Services Unit 2, 131 Park Road Miramar Wellington 6022 23 views Reference: 234475Click to get direction: Unit 2, 131 Park Road Miramar Wellington 6022
Contact Info(s):
O: 043881888
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
Courtesy ServicesPick-ups
PartsAlternators, Clutches, Tyres, Brakes, Batteries, Bumpers, CV Joints
Price InformationFree Local Delivery
Service OptionsVisit Us Online
SystemsSuspension Systems, Air Conditioning
ServicesRestoration, Repairs, Alignments, Replacement, Pre-purchase Inspections
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About MJ Motors - MTA Member
Welcome to MJ Motors. We are automotive repair specialists who cater for all vehicles, from cars and utes to light trucks and trailers!
Our range of services includes Warrant of Fitness checks and repairs, and all automotive repairs and maintenance. Whether you require a simple check to make sure everything is running as it should, or extensive repairs and replacements we can assist you.
All our work comes with warranties for your peace of mind, including a 6-month warranty on all labour, 12-month warranty on new parts and a 1-month warranty on used parts.
We provide free pick-up and delivery of your vehicle within a 3km radius of our workshop. We also send WOF reminders to ensure your car stays within warranty at all times.
Please visit our website to learn more about the services we provide, then call or complete our online form to book your car in today.
What makes us different
At MJ Motors Ltd, we are dedicated to ensuring that you have a memorable and pleasant experience with us. We provide high quality service and offer excellent communication to avoid any stress or unforeseen expenses.
We regard our clients very highly and accord their vehicle the same attention that we give ours.
Website: http://www.mjmotors.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MJ-Motors-Wellington-154817504628447
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