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Mitsi Galore For Mitsubishi Parts Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 19:29   Auto Services   Servicing: Auckland City, Hibiscus Coast, Manukau City, North Shore, West Auckland   12 views Reference: 55666
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Contact Info(s):

O: 092690255

F: 092682077

Opening hours


Products and Services


GTO, Lancer, Lancer Evolution


Mitsubishi, Toyota


Trucks, Vans, Cars, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Cars

Price Information

Second Hand

Vehicle Features



Repairs, Dismantling, Salvaging


Ball Valves, Fuel Filters, Cylinders, Air Bags, Axles, Cables, Brakes, Air Pumps, Air Hoses, ARB, Headlights, Body Panels, Brake Shoes, Driveshafts, Anti Lock Brakes, Air Filters, Engines, Belts, Automatic Transmissions, Bumpers, Brake Drums, Bonnets, Gearboxes, Brake Pads, Bearings, Filters, Engines, Gearboxes, Clutches, Headlights, CV Joints, Body Panels, Brakes



Markets Served

Commercial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial


Locally Operated, Genuine Parts

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street


Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Motor Trade Association (Inc)

Payment options

Direct Debit

About Mitsi Galore For Mitsubishi Parts

Mitsi Galore For Mitsubishi Part are members of Parts Connection and Capricorn preferred suppliers. We are the largest Mitsubishi auto dismantler in New Zealand and are members of the Parts Connection Group. We are situated at 21B Spartan Road Takanini Auckland New Zealand. We have established excellent supply lines with Japan that support our own Dismantling activities. This ensures we can meet your requirements for Second hand Mitsubishi parts.

In addition to second hand parts, Mitsi Galore For Mitsubishi Part stock a range of genuine and aftermarket new parts which enables us to supply parts that suit your vehicle and budget. We offer freight throughout New Zealand & around the world.

Please call with your requirements today

Windscreens, Radiators, Engines, Motors, Diffs, Gearbox, Bumper, Grille, Front Guard, Boot, Bonnet, Doors, Lights, Alternator, Starter Motors, Suspension, Power Steering Rack, Tyres, Car Seat Covers, Fuel Tanks, Fuel Caps, Filters, Seat Belts, Sun Visor, Pumps, Struts, Track Control, Computer Engine, Aerial, Steering Wheel, Air Conditioning, Brakes, Steering, Mounts and Rubber parts, Electrical and Switches, Panels, Mitsubishi car parts,Mitsubishi commercial, Mitsubishi dismantler, Mitsubishi wrecker, Mitsubishi Spares, Mitsubishi Exporters, Mitsubishi Engines, Mitsubishi Radiators, Mitsubishi Panels, Mitsubishi suspension parts, Mitsubishi 4 x 4 parts.

Visit our website and come in and see us today!

What makes us different

Kempys has the largest selection of high quality Mitsubishi car parts in New Zealand. We are one of the largest specialist Mitsubishi auto dismantlers, and we stock everything from brakes to engine parts. Our experienced staff are keen to share their knowledge, so feel free to get in touch!

Website: http://kempys.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KempysBitzaMitzys

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mitsubishikempy

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