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Midland Cardio Vascular Services Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:40   Medical & Emergency   Servicing: Rotorua Area, Taupo Area, Tauranga Area   26 views Reference: 63844

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Contact Info(s):

O: 078431895

F: 078342383

About Midland Cardio Vascular Services

Braemar Hospital has been successfully carrying out cardiac surgery for 20 years. The service is led by Mr Adam el Gamel, one of the most experienced cardiac surgeons in the Waikato region. In theatre Adam is supported by Dr Jonathan Lau and Dr Rob Cameron - both very experienced cardiac anaesthetists. We employ our own cardiac theatre team which includes expert surgical assistants, theatre nurses, perfusionist and anaesthetic technicians.

With Midland Cardio Vascular Services (MCVS) running two interventional catheter laboratories at Braemar Hospital we are together able to provide the most complete cardiac service of any private hospital in the Waikato region. Specialist cardiologists are on site providing interventional diagnoses and treatments in the interventional procedures rooms, one of which is fitted to operating theatre standard. The cardiologists and specialist cardiology nurses are also available for clinical opinion, if required.

The combination of a cardiology and cardiac surgery service on site means that our ward and ICU staff see a greater range of conditions than any other private cardiac service in the region. This wealth of experience is reflected in the high quality of service offered to our patients.

Our hospital includes a purpose built cardiac theatre, a 5-bed ICU and overnight purpose built accommodation for doctors. Recent major equipment purchases include a new heart / lung machine, cell saver, TOE and balloon pump. This level of investment shows the commitment made to providing a safe, high quality service.

Visit our website for more information.

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