Metal Immersions Ltd Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 19:49 Auto Services Servicing: Kapiti, Lower Hutt City, Porirua City, Upper Hutt City, Wellington City 29 views Reference: 287365Contact Info(s):
O: 042326880
F: 042326882
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
Vehicle TypeDomestic, Imports
PlacesWalls, Swimming Pools
VehiclesCars, Cars
PartsPanelling, Doors
Markets ServedCommercial, Industrial
ConcernsSmoke Damage, Rust, Dents, Scuffs, Scratches, Tar, Accidents, Rust
ServicesPainting, Vehicle Painting, High Pressure Blasting, Repainting, Immersion, Sandblasting, Mobile Blasting, Garnet Blasting, Blast Cleaning, Stripping, Restoration, Resurfacing, Special Coatings, Grit Blasting, Dry Blasting, Protective Coating, Spraying, Zinc Arc Spraying, Painting, Custom Work, Sandblasting, Rustproofing, Fabrication, Rebuilding, Finishing, Airbrushing, Panel Beating, Coating, Resurfacing, Buffing, Customising
KindsSteel, Sand, Stainless Steel, Metal
Vehicle StyleVintage
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
About Metal Immersions Ltd
Locally owned and operated, Metal Immersions Ltd offers wide range of abrasive blasting services across Wellington and surrounding regions.
No job is too big or too small! From complete design to fabrication, we can cater to all your requirements.
Our services include:
- Powder Coating
- Chemical Immersion Cleaning
- Sand Blasting
- Fabrication
- Industrial Spray Painting
- Galvanising
- Electroplating
- Much More
For more information contact the experts at Metal Immersions Ltd today.
What makes us different
We have access to a huge range of industry professionals and services from Pick Up to Drop off we can manage all your requirements. Our services include powder coating, abrasive blasting, and car restoration and a lot more. Contact us for any inquires we are located at Wall Place,Tawa, Wellington.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.