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Melray Electric Ltd Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:36   Trades & Services   38 Stewart Street Christchurch 8011   22 views Reference: 81574

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Click to get direction: 38 Stewart Street Christchurch 8011

Contact Info(s):

O: 033657077

F: 033654638

Mailing address

PO Box 9044 Tower Junction Christchurch 8149

About Melray Electric Ltd

Melray Electric Limited is experienced and qualified to undertake all commercial and industrial electrical projects. We are dedicated to delivering the best service, within the agreed timeframe and budgets strictly adhered to. Melray Electric Limited has the experience and capability to handle all electrical servicing needs. We operate a fleet of fully equipped service vehicles and offer a 24 hour-seven days a week service. We take pride in the fact that we are trusted with the electrical servicing needs of some of Christchurch's most well respected businesses.

Melray Electric Limited has significant experience in electrical contracting for the following industries:
Accommodation and Tourism - Educational Facilities - Health and Aged Care Facilities - Telecommunications - Warehouses/Industrial - Leisure and Culture - Petrol Stations - Retail

Melray Electric Limited is experienced and qualified to undertake all commercial and industrial electrical projects. We are dedicated to delivering the best service, within the agreed timeframe and budgets strictly adhered to.

With many years of expertise and strong relationships with key suppliers, we can provide a solution to meet all your expectations. Melray Electric has a real desire to keep abreast of the latest developments within the electrical and lighting industry. We use only superior products and fixing, so you can rest assured you'll be getting the best components and latest products on the market.

In business since 1987, with Melray Electric on the job, you can relax in the knowledge you're dealing with a long-established company that will be around to service you long into the future. From tendering for Government works to professional electrical and lighting services for the commercial and industrial clients, Melray Electric are the team to rely on.

Other Services we provide include;
- Specialists in Generator and UPS installation, maintenance and testing
- Meter installation and upgrade services to CAT1, CAT2 and CAT3 metering for Arc Innovations and Delta

For more information, please visit our website or contact us today

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