McMillan Drilling Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 15:51 Professional Services 120 High Street Southbridge 7602 26 views Reference: 196594Location: 120 High Street Southbridge 7602
Servicing: Ashburton Area, Christchurch, Lincoln Area, Rangiora Area, Rolleston Area
Click to get direction: 120 High Street Southbridge 7602
Contact Info(s):
O: 033242571
F: 033242431
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
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- Fri
Products and Services
KindsSubmersible, Geotechnical, Rotary
PlacesFoundations, Foundations, Wells
SourceGroundwater, Geothermal, Water
AssurancesFamily Owned & Operated, Over 50 Years Experience
Markets ServedCommercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial
EquipmentWater Pumps, Big Rig, Augers, Trucks, Bore Pumps, Centrifugal Mud Pumps
ConcernsEarthquakes, Sinkholes, Groundwater, Landslides, Slope Stability, Drainage, Drainage, Mud, Groundwater Contamination, Sinking, Contamination, Slope Stability, Wastewater, Drainage
Service OptionsConsultations
ServicesExcavations, Land Clearing, Project Management, Construction, Testing, Investigations, Ground Improvement, Consulting, Design, Land Development, Assessments, Surveying, Consulting, Draughting, Planning, Construction, Design, Land Development, Development, Project Management, Underground Services, Inspections, Testing, Investigations, Reboring, Explorations, Laboratory Testing, Sampling, Installation, Coring, Boring, Well Monitoring, Environmental Investigations, Core Sampling, Mineral Exploration, Pumping, Analysis, Replacement
StructuresRetaining Walls, Bridges, Foundations, Roads, Roadways, Driveways, Roads
PropertiesDairy Farms, Subdivisions, Subdivisions
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAbout McMillan Drilling
The company has been working throughout New Zealand and the Pacific for more than 70 years. A significant part of the experience gained has been within the geology and hydrogeology of Canterbury. This has expanded to include many other regions throughout New Zealand and the Pacific.
From simple beginnings, the business has grown to become one of New Zealand's largest and leading multi faceted drilling companies.
The company provides a diverse range of drilling services which include water supply, geotechnical/environmental investigation, ground source heating and a range of special projects.
The strength of the company lies in its experienced staff, extensive range of equipment and the creation and pursuit of innovative drilling technologies.
Please visit our website for more information or call us today to discuss your drilling requirements.
What makes us different
Water Bores
McMillan Drilling has a wealth of experience and expertise in the construction and maintenance of quality water supply wells. An extensive database of historic records provides Clients with a confidence of how deep and how much, helping establish realistic goals and ultimately minimising surprises.
Site Investigation
McMillan Drilling provides comprehensive site investigation services to obtain the information Engineers require to manage risk and provide certainty for current and future development. Millan Drilling are able to offer Clients advice and provide confidence that their site investigation objectives are understood.
Ground Source Heating
McMillan Drilling offers considerable experience in the in-ground construction of open and closed loop geothermal systems. They are proud to have constructed a number of systems in high profile projects within the Christchurch rebuild and continue to be a leader in this field.
drillersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.