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Marshall Coatings Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 22:16   Trades & Services   42A Gallagher Drive Melville Hamilton 3206   31 views Reference: 66904

0.0 star

Servicing: Waikato Region, Bay Of Plenty

Click to get direction: 42A Gallagher Drive Melville Hamilton 3206

Contact Info(s):

O: 078107445

About Marshall Coatings

Professional painting company.

What makes us different is that this isn't just about painting and money for us. We

 have the opportunity to provide multiple people with income and the ability to

 provide for their families. To grow individuals, yes to be good painters but better 

yet be good people.

Managing Director

Rawiri Marshall is trade qualified. Painting with a passion and respect for the trade. Family man with a wife and two girls. He has started from the bottom of the trade the old school way, sweeping the floor, washing vans and making coffees to now running a business with a full team on board. His main goal is to grow the team members not just into good painters but good people.

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