Marlborough Panel & Paint formerly Maher & Moseley Panelbeaters Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 21:48 Auto Services 29A Stuart Street Blenheim 7201 24 views Reference: 158801Location: 29A Stuart Street Blenheim 7201
Click to get direction: 29A Stuart Street Blenheim 7201
Contact Info(s):
O: 035784192
F: 035784692
Products and Services
ConcernsScuffs, Hail Damage, Dents, Collisions, Hot Tar, Rust
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
Mailing address
PO Box 319 BLENHEIM 7240
About Marlborough Panel & Paint formerly Maher & Moseley Panelbeaters
Maher & Moseley Panlbeaters. We provide the highest quality crash repairs on late model motor vehicles. We work along side most insurance companies and offer you a fast and efficient service.
Our Paint shop is one of the best in town. They have a very high standard of work. We repair and paint vehicles of all types from Cars, Vans, Utes to Camper vans, Buses and Trucks. We have a purpose bulit workshop for this type of business.
We also offer a plastic welding service.
We offer pick up and delivery in the town area. Our fully equipped and modern facility is centrally located at 29 Stuart Street, Blenheim.
Please call in for a FREE quote. Marc Flood is the manager/ owner. Call him anytime on: 027 733 1648
What makes us different
Being a member of Collision Repair Association, we have the added assurance of high standard workmanship and good quality equipment. Contact us for a consistent and affordable repair service.
panel-beatersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.