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Marlborough Osteopaths Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 20:48   Medical & Emergency   162 Scott Street Redwoodtown Blenheim 7201   27 views Reference: 292308

0.0 star

Servicing: Marlborough Region

Click to get direction: 162 Scott Street Redwoodtown Blenheim 7201

Contact Info(s):

O: 035784434

Opening hours


Products and Services


Joints, Bones, Muscles, Back

Service Options

New Patients Welcome, By Appointment


Joint Pain, Pregnancy, Chronic Pain, Pain, Arthritis, Sprains, Injuries, Accidents, Strains


Locally Owned & Operated


Seniors, Adults, Children, Toddlers

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options


About Marlborough Osteopaths

Welcome to Marlborough Osteopaths - we provide holistic, gentle and effective osteopathic services for patients of all ages.

Our team includes 3 registered and experienced osteopaths. We cover all aspects of osteopathy - including musculoskeletal, visceral and cranial - and focus on treating a variety of complaints including ongoing chronic pain, accident rehabilitation and medical conditions.

Please visit our website for more information on the osteopathic services we provide, then call or email to arrange an initial appointment today.

What makes us different

We are Marlborough's longest established osteopathy practice and the area's only multiple practitioner practice. We cover all aspects of osteopathy, treat a variety of complaints and provide a range of products. Your well-being matters to us and we look forward to helping you with your specific needs and requirements.

Website: http://www.mosl.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marlosteo

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