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Manawatu SsangYong & LDV Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 05:30   Auto Services   Palmerston North   32 views Reference: 137868

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Tagline: Also known as: Manawatu SsangYong & LDV

Contact Info(s):

O: 063542538

Products and Services



Year est.


About Manawatu SsangYong & LDV

Welcome to Manawatu SsangYong and LDV the home of New and Pre-owned SsangYong and LDV's in Manawatu. Our Palmerston North based dealership has a huge selection of SsangYong and LDV vehicles, perfect for all driving conditions.

Our utilities, SUV's sports hatches and Vans blend performance with practicality providing a smooth yet powerful ride for owners.

Come in Store and visit the Central North Islands largest SsangYong and LDV Dealership today

What makes us different

We are centrally located in Manawatus only Supersite, with all the latest electronic equipment to provide the highest standards of service to our customers.
We invite you to visit us at our bright new showroom, have a coffee and chat to our friendly team about your buying and vehicle servicing needs.

We offer comprehensive vehicle repair and maintenance services for SsangYong & LDV Vehicles. Bring your SsangYong & LDV Vehicles into our modern Dealership and wait in our comfortable customer lounge whilst enjoying your complimentary hot coffee.

Website: http://www.ssangyong.co.nz/dealers/palmerston-north-manawatu-ssangyong

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