Magic Tyres & Mags Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 20:01 Auto Services 103 Port Road Whangarei 0110 50 views Reference: 58153Location: 103 Port Road Whangarei 0110
Servicing: Auckland Region, Northland
Click to get direction: 103 Port Road Whangarei 0110
Contact Info(s):
O: 094383534
About Magic Tyres & Mags
Expect the excellent service that you deserve! Magic Tyres take pride in delivering clients with a range of top quality tyres at the best prices available!
We're your local tyre experts and specialise in low profile tyres.
We also stock a large range of 4x4 new tyres. We welcome you to drive in for a FREE air pressure check as well as a no obligation quote!
We sell and fit second hand and new tyres for most types of vehicles
- Quality second-hand tyres
- Low profile tyre specialists
- Rims
- Wheel alignments
- Emergency call-outs
- We also stock tail lights, head lights and some basic panel parts
Come along and grab some of our free old tyres for your garden or child's swing!
We go the extra mile for our customers - give us a call to discuss your requirements and for more information or drop by today.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
About Seller
Expect the excellent service that you deserve! Magic Tyres take pride in delivering clients with a range of top quality tyres at the best prices available!
We're your local tyre experts and specialise in low profile tyres.
We also stock a large range of 4x4 new tyres. We welcome you to drive in for a FREE air pressure check as well as a no obligation quote!
We sell and fit second hand and new tyres for most types of vehicles
Quality second-hand tyres
Low profile tyre specialists
Wheel alignments
Emergency call-outs
We also stock tail lights, head lights and some basic panel parts
Come along and grab some of our free old tyres for your garden or child's swing!
We go the extra mile for our customers - give us a call to discuss your requirements and for more information or drop by today.