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M C Wood Electrical Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 03:20   Trades & Services   Servicing: Manukau City, Papakura Area, Pukekohe Area, Waiuku Area   25 views Reference: 28968

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0272854050

F: 092326749

About M C Wood Electrical

Looking for an Electrician who specialises in Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural work, then contact M C Wood Electrical today!

Not only that, M C Wood Electrical offers expert electricians for Schools, Institutions and Domestic work. Let's hear from the local owner/operator behind the professional business...


I'm Mike Wood, Master Electrician.

I have been involved with the Electrical Service Trade for over 20 years and have the experience and expertise in anything electrical concerning Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural and Residential work. I have been running MC Wood Electrical for the past 14 years.

Having been doing this work for this long, much of our work comes through to us by Word-of-mouth and Referrals, and what our customers most appreciate about us, is our quick response, quality work and reasonable pricing.

We can also help you with any agricultural work concerning, Electric Pumps, Water Pumps, and other related Motors and Machinery.

Send us an email today! Or just give me a call, if it's urgent!

P.S. We're known for not turning down jobs.
P.P.S We always clean up after ourselves.

Visit our website for more information!

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