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LPW Accounting Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 04:24   Professional Services   Northcote Park, Unit 11, 80 Grey Street Palmerston North   32 views Reference: 132083
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Servicing: Manawatu Region

Click to get direction: Northcote Park, Unit 11, 80 Grey Street Palmerston North

Contact Info(s):

O: 063575793

F: 063575773

Mailing address

PO Box 28 Palmerston North 4440

About LPW Accounting

Larsen, Patterson & Willson Limited, trading as LPW Accounting, has a long and proud history in the Manawatu. Alan Larsen joined prominent local Chartered Accountants Jack Smillie and Allan Britten in 1974 forming the partnership Smillie Britten Larsen & Co. Ten years later a young Warren Patterson, fresh out of PNBHS, joined the practice as a junior accountant. A further ten years later Daniel Willson, also a product of PNBHS, was employed by Alan. Warren and Daniel both graduated from Massey University and, mentored by Alan, became Chartered Accountants. In 1998 the practice relocated to our current location at 80 Grey Street and was renamed Larsen & Associates, incorporating as a company in 2007. Warren was made partner in 2000 followed by Daniel in 2006. Alan, Daniel and Warren along with our team are experienced, approachable and passionate about helping our client's succeed. We are in business, farm owners, investors and rental property owners as well so understand the needs of our clients as we are dealing with the same issues ourselves. Our clients are commercial, in the trade, farmers and investors, ranging from some taking their first steps into self employment through to those that are in their second or third generation of ownership. We believe business should be enjoyable, profitable and sustainable. We offer business owners practical, real world accounting, tax, business and finance advise in plain English. LPW Accounting is proud to support local business, organisations and community groups. We believe in giving back to the community we live in through our association with the Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter, Manawatu/Rangitikei Federated Farmers Association, Manawatu Turbos plus various other local sporting bodies. Alan, Warren and Daniel have volunteered their time to national, regional and local organisations including Surf Lifesaving New Zealand, Squash New Zealand, New Zealand Rhododendron Society, PN SquashGym, PNOB's Cricket Club and North End AFC to name a few.

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