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LovingCare Kindergarten Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 06:20   Child Care Services   Servicing: Auckland Region   21 views Reference: 45480

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Contact Info(s):

O: 098371600

F: 098374688

Opening hours


Products and Services


Field Trips





Price Information

Government Subsidised, Free Early Childhood Education


Early Childhood Education


Registered, Licensed, Certified, First Aid Trained

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Direct Debit
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Personal Cheques

About LovingCare Kindergarten

LovingCare Kindergarten is licensed by the Ministry of Education and was established by the Auckland Christian Mandarin Church.

The kindergarten is run by a Governing committee consisting of members of the church, parent representatives, the Centre Manager and the Assistant Centre Manager.

LovingCare Kindergarten provides an educational programme based on a Christian philosophy. We cater for the interests and abilities of each child. Learning stories are written for each child, and a portfolio made for parents to get to know what their child is doing at kindergarten. This information is used to build a programme based on the Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whariki.

Children are taken on trips several times a year, to build their knowledge of the community and to enhance their learning. Everyday we offer special activities for the children to be involved in. Christian philosophy, Christian philosophy and values are incorporated into our learning throughout the day.

Creative dance, children are given the opportunity throughout the day to express themselves creatively to music. FMS , there are opportunities for the children to participate in a range of physical activities and Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS), including soccer on the front lawn, riding the bikes, climbing, running and jumping. Cooking/Baking - children have the opportunity to participate in preparing food for themselves and each other.

School readiness - We believe that children learn through play. Children have the opportunity to develop their self help skills, social & emotional skills, early literacy & numeracy, and the confidence of being a life-long learner in their play.

We endeavour to work together with the families and the school to provide a happy transition to school. Every two weeks, we have the Waitakere City library bus visit us. We also have 4 year olds taking turns to visit Jireh School and nature walk. Multi cultural - we acknowledge and welcome all cultures

What makes us different

We're an Auckland based kindergarten centre, specialising in an educational programme with Christian values. Our method of teaching involves taking a personalised approach to every student's learning experience. We also provide learning stories and a portfolio detailing your child's progress.

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