Lorneville Small Engines Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 21:42 Auto Services Servicing: Southland Region 20 views Reference: 214760Location: Servicing: Southland Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 032358217
About Lorneville Small Engines
We are a locally owned and operated business specialising in small engine services since 1990, and New Zealand's southern-most Husqvarna Crown Dealership.
Just a few minutes north of Invercargill, we offer a quality range of ride-on lawn mowers, domestic lawn mowers, Husqvarna outdoor power equipment and commercial products, log splitters, generators, and a huge selection of both new and second-hand spares. We encourage our customers to try before you buy: all products are demonstrated on-site.
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Seller Information
About Seller
We are a locally owned and operated business specialising in small engine services since 1990, and New Zealand's southern-most Husqvarna Crown Dealership.
Just a few minutes north of Invercargill, we offer a quality range of ride-on lawn mowers, domestic lawn mowers, Husqvarna outdoor power equipment and commercial products, log splitters, generators, and a huge selection of both new and second-hand spares. We encourage our customers to try before you buy: all products are demonstrated on-site.