Longtail Pet Transport Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:54 Pet Services 1416 Te Rap Road Te Rapa Hamilton 27 views Reference: 83342Location: 1416 Te Rap Road Te Rapa Hamilton
Contact Info(s):
O: 0272850910
F: 078497354
Products and Services
TransportationAir, Land
Service AreasLocal, International, Abroad, Global
DurationLong Term
ProductsAnimal Cages, Carriers, Cages, Animal Carriers
Service OptionsFree Quotes, Drop Offs
AssurancesIndependently Owned & Operated
Payment options
About Longtail Pet Transport
Your locally owned and operated pet transport company. For experience and excellent care . Call us first!
Pet Taxi Service
- Local collection and delivery service for pets
National and International
- transportation and documentation arranged on your behalf
- available for sale and hire.
Please contact contact Kevin for all your transport requirements on 027 285 0910
What makes us different
We offer quality boarding facilities for your cats and dogs. We aim to reduce the stress on your animal as best as possible. We also have services to aid in their transportation from cages to a taxi service that will pick them up and lastly even assistance with transportation documentation.
Website: https://www.longtail.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Longtailpet/
pet-transportWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.