Longridge Panel Beating, Painting & Engineering Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 21:06 Auto Services Servicing: Hawkes Bay 25 views Reference: 294078Location: Servicing: Hawkes Bay
Contact Info(s):
F: 068589604
About Longridge Panel Beating, Painting & Engineering
For sheet metal engineering, panel beating and painting - Longridge is your first choice for top class workmanship.
We are an energetic and versatile young company, Longridge has carried out work for a wide range of clients.
Our engineering section excels in sheet metal fabrication using stainless steel, aluminium and brass.
Longridge specialises in the manufacturing of horse coaches and motorhomes, manufacturing and refurbishments of truck bodies and chassis with certified welding in all positions.
Longridge Engineering offers:
- Structural repair
- Workshop specialising in collision repair
- In-house paint shop
- Plastic welding
- Fibreglass repairs
- Salvage available
- Free quoting
- Free courtesy cars
For more information and for queries, please visit our website or give us a call today.
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Seller Information
Longridge Panel Beating, Painting & Engineering
Total Listing
About Seller
For sheet metal engineering, panel beating and painting - Longridge is your first choice for top class workmanship.
We are an energetic and versatile young company, Longridge has carried out work for a wide range of clients.
Our engineering section excels in sheet metal fabrication using stainless steel, aluminium and brass.
Longridge specialises in the manufacturing of horse coaches and motorhomes, manufacturing and refurbishments of truck bodies and chassis with certified welding in all positions.
Longridge Engineering offers:
Structural repair
Workshop specialising in collision repair
In-house paint shop
Plastic welding
Fibreglass repairs
Salvage available
Free quoting
Free courtesy cars
For more information and for queries, please visit our website or give us a call today.