Loman Auto Parts Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 23:13 Auto Services Servicing: Canterbury Region, Timaru Oamaru Region 16 views Reference: 114944Contact Info(s):
O: 0800800725
Opening hours
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Products and Services
Price InformationFree Quotes
VehiclesVans, Trucks, Utes
PartsUsed Parts, Aftermarket Parts, Recycled Spare Parts, Recycled Used Parts
Vehicle FeaturesAutomatic, Manual, 4WD
Year est.
About Loman Auto Parts
Get instant cash for your unwanted vehicles, we pay cash for any make and model Cars, Vans, Utes, 4WDs, Trucks, Buses and Farm Machinery!
At Loman Auto Parts, we consider any conditions, Dead or Alive De-registered, rolled, crashed, mechanical, no WOF no Rego, water damaged, not going, no problems at all! Call us free today on our 0800 number to get a quote or do a quick sale. Conditions apply.
We simply pay the best price in town for your unwanted vehicles. We travel Otago wide.
Loman Auto Parts also supply cheap second hand Car, Van, Ute, 4WD and Truck Parts.
So call and talk one of our friendly team. Turn Your Trash Into Cash!
What makes us different
Turn your trash into cash. We will buy any make and model Cars, Vans, Utes, 4WDs, Trucks, Buses and Farm Machinery. We will travel as far as Otago and pick up your vehicle for cash. Call now.
Website: http://kiwicarremoval.co.nz
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