Lifestyle Motorhomes Ltd Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 05:09 Auto Services Servicing: Canterbury Region, Otago 28 views Reference: 195596Location: Servicing: Canterbury Region, Otago
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800287284
F: 033086627
About Lifestyle Motorhomes Ltd
Check out Lifestyle Motorhomes Ltd in Dunedin. We have served customers across Otago for more than 17 years. We are your local Caravans & Motor Homes specialists. Get in touch today!
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Seller Information
Lifestyle Motorhomes Ltd
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About Seller
Lifestyle Motorhomes commenced custom building motor homes in 2001 and were leaders in New Zealands Motor Home Industry. Nothing has changed, Lifestyle is now using their experienced, qualified tradesmen in other areas of the industry, working on all makes and models of motor homes, caravans and campers in NZ. All work is certified and guaranteed. They have coach builders, joiners, electricians, auto electricians, plumbers, gas fitters, upholster and trimmer all on one site to carry out all your refurb's, repairs and maintenance under one roof and one company.
"So, The Buck or Guarantee Stops With Us"
Due to Lifestyle Motorhomes past building experience they are now leading the way in quality refurbishments and repairs of mobile homes, caravans, campers and 5th wheel vehicles in New Zealand. Whether they are NZ built or imported, we work with all your favourite toys and investments. We give people what they ask for and we aim to exceed expectations.
Lifestyle, in Ashburton are the only certified applicators of 'TITAN Roof Protection Membrane' in New Zealand, which they are so confident about they have given it a TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE:
Suitable for all types of roofs new and old.
It prevents leaks
Long term UV protection
Won't crack like paint
Titan cures into a tough flexible coating
Titan is a high performance synthetic rubber based membrane
Withstands severe expansion, contraction & movement
Call for a FREE roof assessment and no obligation FREE quote TODAY .......Titan or Reroof?
Lifestyle Motorhomes Ltd are certified insurance repairers and work with all major insurance companies in New Zealand.
Lifestyle also custom builds coffee carts, food trailers, specialty trailers, promotional trailers.
Lifestyle Motorhomes Ltd has an onsite retail shop with a great range of products, spare parts and accessories. They are agents for all the major brands of products in the industry.
Our Research, Development and Design Team make the - Impossible, Possible - We share our knowledge and are proud to share our passion and make your dream recreational vehicle, or as we now say RV, stay just that ........ Your Dream RV ....... something you can be proud of in good condition and repair.
For more information please visit our website or call today 0800 287 284.