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Lifelinks Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 20:01   Medical & Emergency   Servicing: Canterbury Region   25 views Reference: 101111

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Contact Info(s):

O: 033659593

F: 033655244

Opening hours


Products and Services


Nurses, Doctors



Service Areas





Drug Addiction, Disabilities, Alcoholism

Service Options

Visit Us Online, Consultations, Visit Us Online, Consultations




Monitoring, Rehabilitation, Outpatient Care, Advice


Ministry of Health

Year est.


About Lifelinks

Lifelinks provides people who have disabilities with the highest standard of service in ways that best suit their individual needs.

LifeLinks is an agency contracted by the Ministry of Health to provide Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination for people with disabilities (and their families) living in Canterbury, Mid Canterbury, South Canterbury and the West Coast.

There is no cost to the individual for these services, and you can self-refer, or be referred by a professional (eg your GP).

LifeLinks - What We Do

Our promise to you is that we will work with you, within the available resources, to help you feel included in your community by being able to participate and contribute.

We listen
We support
We coordinate, and
We review

Through our processes, we strive to ensure our clients are all enabled in the community. We listen and learn about you and your goals so that we have a better and empathetic understanding of your individual needs as well as those of your family.

With you we will plan and coordinate the community supports so that you can begin living your life the way you choose. We have a strong network of community relationships. These are pivotal to us delivering better outcomes for you and the community. We are committed to working alongside and with you. To do this we need you to be committed to working positively and proactively with us. We will work hard to create a positive non judgmental environment that will make it easy for you to talk to us.

Please visit our website for more information or give us a call today!

What makes us different

LifeLinks is an agency contracted by the Ministry of Health to provide Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination for people with disabilities (and their families) living in Canterbury, Mid Canterbury, South Canterbury and the West Coast. You can self refer or be referred by your GP. Contact us today for more information or visit our website.

Website: http://www.lifelinks.co.nz

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