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Life Tuning Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 04:24   Medical & Emergency   Servicing: Auckland Region, Bay Of Plenty, Canterbury Region, Gisborne Region, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu Region, Marlborough Region, Nelson Region, Northland, Otago, Southland Region, Taranaki, Ti   20 views Reference: 192392

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Servicing: Auckland Region, Bay Of Plenty, Canterbury Region, Gisborne Region, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu Region, Marlborough Region, Nelson Region, Northland, Otago, Southland Region, Taranaki, Timaru Oamaru Region, Waikato Region, Wairarapa, Wellington Region

Contact Info(s):

O: 0278149407

About Life Tuning

Suffering from anxiety related to personal or professional challenges? As a Life Coach, I'm here to help you create clarity around issues you may have, to help you regain emotional control, allowing you to considerably strengthen your position as a solution maker. Life Coaching starts with a conversation, confidential and non-judgemental to provoke insightful solutions.

The benefits of Co-Active Life Coaching are:

-Find awareness around issues you may have.

-Define personal goals you may want to achieve.

-Find the tools/action steps needed for you to enjoy positive, sustainable change in your life.

It's tough to "open up", to share your personal issues and challenges. It takes courage, I really do understand that. It's also necessary sometimes to do just that, to trust someone who can listen to you deeply, without judgement so that you can feel safe to reach a place of solutions for your own benefit. I can help you reach that place...

Contact me on 027 814 9407 for a 15 min consultation to see how my services can best serve your interest.

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