Liam Butler Social Work Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 22:42 Medical & Emergency Servicing: West Coast, Nelson Region, Marlborough Region 31 views Reference: 298049Contact Info(s):
O: 0223422420
About Liam Butler Social Work
Social Worker Nelson - Stoke
OCP Employee Assistance, ACC, MSD, ISSC sensitive claims, private clients in Nelson Marlborough.
I also spend a couple of days a week
- on the Westcoast >>
- in Blenheim >>
A to Z of how my ACC, MSD & privately funded Social Work can help you or your client...
A is for Accommodation
Find, fund and help ensure that it remains sustainable and safe.
B is for Benefits
Application for Disability Allowance, Temporary Additional Support etc.
C is for cars
ACC 280 Request for Travel Costs, seek funding if modifications or maintenance required for cars that are needed due to the disability or recovery process.
D is for dependents
Link to relevant social service providers, linking in with cheap healthcare.
E is for Employee Assistance for OCP
Counselling Free of charge, 100% confidential
F is for Food
Links to Food Banks and Food Grants MSD that may be able to help pay for food if the client is a low income or a benefit.
G is for Groceries
Links to Budget Advice for planning
H is for Heating
MSD request for extra funding for heating, liaise with Landlords
I is for I sight :}
Glasses funded by MSD, liaison with ophthalmologists.
J is for Jolly
Links and engagement with social opportunities based on interests and abilities (e.g. Brain injury association groups or reading groups)
K is for Kinesiology
Links to health professionals and providers that can be co funded under Green Prescription or NMDHB or private funding
L is for Lunch
Links to day shared meals throughout the Nelson Marlborough region where clients can participate in meal preparation or simply enjoy some company.
M is for Tikanga Maori
Helping work out a wide range health and well-being issues culture, custom, ethic, etiquette, formality, lore, manner, meaning, mechanism, method, protocol, links to Maori Heath Services throughout the region.
N is for negotiating with stakeholders
Help clients liaise with Medical Secretaries etc ensure paperwork is completed and obligations are met e.g. adherence to court orders if that will help them meet their goals.
O is for openings
Help clients look for work if that is part of their goals in the plan.
P is for Prison
Liaison with Department of Corrections, Courts and Polices about fines, curfews, trespass and Protection Orders etc.
Q is for Qualitative and Quantitative
Research Possible funding and options based on clients plans needs. E.g other funding for care and welfare.
R is for Rent and Rates Guarantees from MSD, Housing NZ, Private Rentals Liaison with Councils for Rates Rebates visits to clients homes and smaller recycle bins etc.
S is for sensitive claims
Working with the skilled teams at SVS living safe and The Nelson Clinic.
T is for Telephone
Apply to MSD if a Telephone is needed.
U is for urgent
Liaison with MCT or Social Workers at Emergency Department.
V is for Vehicle
Support OT and Physio if client has vehicle goals in plan.
W is for Water
Support client with Green Prescription for discounted Gym and Swims
X is for x ray
Link and support clients to understand criteria for receiving health services
Y is for yoga
Activities that can be funded by MSD if GP agrees on Disability Allowance
Z is for zzz's
Support to access respite care-a healthy part of giving care.
If you would like to know more or make an appointment, feel free to contact me.
counselling-servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.