Levin Glass Ltd Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 18:35 Auto Services Servicing: Levin 24 views Reference: 145404Location: Servicing: Levin
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800504527
F: 063686197
About Levin Glass Ltd
Levin Glass Ltd operates in New Zealand. They were established in 1990, service Manawatu Region, and are in the Windscreens category. Call them today!
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Seller Information
Levin Glass Ltd
Total Listing
About Seller
Locally owned and operated with branches situated in the Horowhenua and Kapiti Coast regions, we offer both a wide range of glass supply and glazing services. As a member of the Windscreens Nationwide Group we offer an auto glass repair and replacement service backed up by a nationwide guarantee.
We are very proud to offer:
- Domestic glass supply/glazing
- Commercial glass supply/glazing
- Pet doors
- Perspex and Acrylics
- Mirrors/Mirror Demisters
- Showers/Shower Doors
- Specialised Glass & Glazing Products
- Safety Glass
- Automotive Glass
- Glass Blocks
- Furniture Glass
- Lead lights
- Double Glazing
- Insurance Claims/Free Quotes
- 24 Hour Emergency Service
- Guaranteed Workmanship
- Competitive Rates
Locally owned and operated TopGlass Ltd services the Horowhenua and Kapiti regions. Our code of ethics and minimum standards are designed to ensure excellent levels of material and workmanship.
As a member of the Windscreens Nationwide Group, TopGlass Ltd can offer the individual an auto glass repair and replacement service backed up by a nationwide guarantee.
The formation of the Windscreens Nationwide Group has been devised to offer a nationwide auto glass service to insurance companies and fleet operators enabling us to offer your business a tailor-made package to give you a service that we feel is unequalled in New Zealand.