Let's Get Graphic Designshed Ltd Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:41 Trades & Services Christchurch 28 views Reference: 82030Location: Christchurch
Contact Info(s):
O: 033664470
Products and Services
KindsFootpath Signs, Digital, Vehicle Signage, Reflective, Advertising, Directional, Banner Advertising, Logos, Real Estate, Vehicle Graphics
PlacesWindows, Footpaths
MaterialsProtective Coverings
ProductsBumper Stickers, Colour Graphics, Window Frosting, Banners, Displays, Graphics, Badges, Magnets
ServicesLettering, Graphic Design, Custom Designing, Colour Graphics, Paint Protection, Digital Printing, Branding
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated
About Let's Get Graphic Designshed Ltd
Let's Get Graphic is a locally owned and operated Christchurch business with over 20 year's experience.
We offer a large range of solutions from vehicle graphics to building signage or even numbers for your letterbox.
We offer:
- Vehicle Signage
- Building Signage
- Computer Cut Graphics
- Digitally Printed Signage
- Vehicle Stone Protection
- Footpath Signs
- Real-Estate Signs
- Banners
- Flags
- Window Frostings
- Magnetics
- Stickers
Our In-house Graphics Team will work with you to produce the best designs possible, so you can be assured of a finished product that is right for you.
Talk to us today, we'll help turn those vague ideas into a pleasant reality.
What makes us different
Let's Get Graphic specialises in Computer Cut and Digitally Printed Vinyl Graphics.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsgetgraphicchristchurch
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