Leading Edge Automotive Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 23:16 Auto Services Servicing: Christchurch 25 views Reference: 115245Location: Servicing: Christchurch
Contact Info(s):
O: 033663384
About Leading Edge Automotive
Leading Edge Automotive is a one stop shop for all aspects of European car servicing, maintenance and repair in Christchurch.
We are a customer focused business that believes in providing you with the best service possible.
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Seller Information
Leading Edge Automotive
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About Seller
Leading Edge Automotive are specialists in European vehicles. Providing full mechanical and auto electrical Repairs and Services.
Services Include:
Air Conditioning Servicing
Mufflers & Exhausts
Emission Testing
Brake and Clutch Repairs
Engine Tuning
3D Wheel Alignments
ABS Brakes
SRS Airbags
Electrical Repairs
All work and parts guaranteed
MTA Gift Voucher Stockist
Free Courtesy Vehicles (conditions apply)
Our passion for European vehicles together with qualified expert technicians, high quality service and immaculate premises is your peace of mind.
Our focus is to provide the best possible service so that you'll want to come back and will recommend us to others. To book your vehicle in for repairs or servicing, please call 366 3384 or use our online booking form.
We look forward to looking after you and your vehicle.