LB Collision Repair Group Ltd (Formally Louie Berkers Collision) Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 01:04 Auto Services 308 Port Road Port Whangarei Whangarei 0110 15 views Reference: 175556Servicing: Northland
Tagline: Also known as: Louie Berkers Collision Repair Centre LTD
Click to get direction: 308 Port Road Port Whangarei Whangarei 0110
Contact Info(s):
O: 094388997
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
AssociationsCollision Repair Association
Courtesy ServicesCourtesy Cars
TradesPanel Beaters
ConcernsCollisions, Dents
FacilitiesBake Oven, Panel Shop
PartsChassis, Body Panels, Panelling
Service OptionsQuotes
ServicesPanel Beating, Repairs, Panel Replacement, Panel Repairs, Body Work, Towing, Painting
AssurancesGuaranteed, Locally Owned & Operated, Warranties, Insured, Locally Owned
Payment OptionsInsurance Accepted
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About LB Collision Repair Group Ltd (Formally Louie Berkers Collision)
WE PRIDE OURSELVES IN SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE At LB Collision Repair Group Ltd we pride ourselves on our outstanding customer service. Our policy is to remove the stress and worry associated with getting your vehicle fixed following an accident. Our friendly, professional team will ensure both you and your vehicle are well looked after. We offer free claims management, updates and follow-up calls for an easy, stress-free experience. Our modern workshop is centrally located with a tidy reception area where customers can relax, read the paper and have a coffee. All repairs are done to manufacturers specifications and wont impact your new car warranties. PPG paints offer a lifetime warranty on repairs undertaken by our business, for as long as you own your vehicle. All vehicles are valeted to a basic level. We offer full valets or wet vacs at a small cost. Our services include: * Relief vehicle silver Mazda Demios * 24 hour towing on arrangement * Free no obligation quotes * Valet service * Cut and polish service * Under-sealing and rust-proofing * Warranties * Paintless dent removal * Free claims management * Superior customer service and quality repairs * Pick up and drop off service.
What makes us different
At Louie Berkers Collision Repair Centre Ltd, we offer premium quality workmanship and customer service in the Whangarei region. Our team specializes in panel beating, using innovative technology and a depth of knowledge to ensure that task is completed to a high degree.
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