Land Dimensions Ltd Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 20:47 Professional Services Servicing: Stoke 54 views Reference: 152711Location: Servicing: Stoke
Contact Info(s):
O: 039280213
About Land Dimensions Ltd
Land Dimensions Ltd are Surveyors - Land providers. We help people in the Nelson Region. For more information, please call us today.
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Seller Information
About Seller
At Land Dimensions Ltd we provide a fresh approach for surveying and engineering projects in the Nelson region.
We are an experienced team of engineers, land developers and surveyors who can complete all project management requirements as well as specialising in a wide range of services that include:
Development Concepts
Resource Consents
Engineering Design
Construction Management
Legal Surveys
Construction Surveying
Data Collection
Other services include earthworks, roading, drainage, water and wastewater design, asset management and building/construction set-out.
Please visit our website for more information on the services we provide, including examples of our completed projects - then call or email to speak with our team today.