Lamberts Brake & Clutch Ltd Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 01:47 Auto Services 46-48 Water Street Whangarei 21 views Reference: 179176Location: 46-48 Water Street Whangarei
Click to get direction: 46-48 Water Street Whangarei
Contact Info(s):
O: 094304797
F: 094385598
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
TradesAutomotive Mechanics
Vehicles4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars
PartsCallipers, Brake Shoes, CV Boots, Clutches, Brake Pads, Bearings, Brake Drums, Flywheels, Brake Linings, CV Joints, Clutch Cables, Brakes, Cambelts, Clutches, Batteries, Brakes, Brake Shoes, Discs, CV Boots, Clutches, Brake Linings, Brake Pads, Bearings, Brake Drums, Brake Hoses, Brake Fluids, CV Joints, Clutch Cables
Vehicle Features4WD
ConcernsNo Starts, Breakdowns, Check Engine Light
ServicesOil Changes, Diagnostics, Maintenance, Alignments, Tune-ups, Balancing, Repairs, Brake Conversions, Conversions, Maintenance, Warrant of Fitness, Machining, Lube Service, Repairs, Brake Shoe Exchanges, Lubrication, Maintenance, Installation, Reconditioning, Machining, Fluid Checks, Repairs, Inspections, Testing, Oil Changes, Maintenance, Repairs, Alignments, Tune-ups, Tyre Balancing
AssurancesWOF, Warrant of Fitness
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About Lamberts Brake & Clutch Ltd
Do you need automotive parts? Lamberts is a family owned and operated business established in 1947 by Arthur Lambert. At Lamberts service department we carry out all types of automotive repair work from vintage cars to heavy transport trucks. The business is still owned and operated by members of the Lambert family (every member of Arthur Lambert's family has or is at present working at Lamberts Automotive). Lamberts is a business built on solid Kiwi ethics like honesty, integrity, fair play, achievement through hard work and above all, people come first.
Our services include:
Cable manufacture
Relining and Bonding
* Brake & Clutch specialist Association
We stock:
Brake & clutch parts for all makes and models
CV joints
Suspension components
Water pumps
Oil & Filters
Brake upgrade kits
Caliper paint kits - etc.
Our mission statement is to continue into the future using these values as the keystone to our business. We look forward to the challenges of the new millennium.
See us for:
ABS Services
Bonding Factory
Brake & Clutch Parts Sales & Service
Brake & Clutch Specialists
Brake Drums
Brake Hose Manufacture
Brake Specialists
Clutch Specialists
Disc Pads
Truck Brake Linings
We also also have a wholesale branch in Auckland at: 54C Plunket Ave, Manukau.
Call us today to make a booking or visit our website for more information
What makes us different
We are your automotive parts and services experts. We supply a wide range of brake and clutch parts for vehicle of all makes and models. We also provide a variety of automotive repair services at competitive prices.
brake-clutch-servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.