Lakeland Glass and Windscreens Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:45 Auto Services 39 Miro Street RD 2 Taupo 3378 23 views Reference: 245143Location: 39 Miro Street RD 2 Taupo 3378
Click to get direction: 39 Miro Street RD 2 Taupo 3378
Contact Info(s):
O: 073781090
F: 0800500798
Products and Services
Vehicle TypeDomestic
VehiclesHeavy Trucks, Trucks, Cars
ConcernsCracks, Scratches, Glare, Chips, Leaks
Service OptionsEmergency Services, Mobile Service
ServicesGlass Repair, Chip Repairs, Repairs, Windscreen Replacement, Glazing, Replacement, Headlight Polishing, Crack Sealing, Vehicle Glass Repair, Headlight Repairs, Glass Replacement
ProductsRear Windows, Headlights
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
About Lakeland Glass and Windscreens
Lakeland Glass has been repairing and replacing windscreens in Taupo for over 21 years. We offer an auto glass repair and replacement service backed up by a nationwide guarantee.
We have a workshop and we do Mobile Service (depending on type of job). We offer services including:
- Windscreen Replacement
- Windscreen Repairs
- Chips and cracks repair
- Film Protection
- Headlight Restoration
- Insurance Work
- Work for Panelbeaters
With years of experience we provide windscreen services for cars, passenger cars, trucks, bush machinery, marguard, tractors and more. We will replace your car glass with high quality products, fitted to highest trade practices and give you a lifetime nationwide warranty for your peace of mind.
For more information, please visit our website or give us a call today.
What makes us different
We are experts in all your flat glass requirements ranging from windscreen replacements and re-glazing windows to dog doors, security mirrors, safety glass and much more. We are a member of AA Auto Glass group and provide a nationwide guarantee on all auto glass repair and replacement services.
windscreensWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.