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Kiwi Bus Builders Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 22:39   Auto Services   26/52 Whakakake Street Tauriko Tauranga 3171   23 views Reference: 68735
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Click to get direction: 26/52 Whakakake Street Tauriko Tauranga 3171

Contact Info(s):

O: 075710100

F: 075710110

About Kiwi Bus Builders Ltd

We produce all types of buses ranging in scale from single runs to entire fleets. Each bus or coach is uniquely designed to withstand the journey you require and fitted with any options you may desire.

We can design 5 star coaches to meet your specific requirements and the interior can be equipped with anything from leather seats and tables to built in fridges and sinks. We can apply modern technology for sound, temperature and sun control to guarantee a comfortable ride for your passengers.

But sometimes a new bus is not the best financial option - thats why we also offer a full bus repair and coach refurbishment service.

Visit our website to view examples of previous projects and talk to us about your specific requirements and let us work out what you need.

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