Kiwi Accountant Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 17:24 Professional Services Servicing: Wellington Region 22 views Reference: 273504Location: Servicing: Wellington Region
Price: Contact us
Contact Info(s):
O: 044991101
About Kiwi Accountant
Kiwi Accountant is an accounting firm focused on individual and small business accounting. We apply an individual approach to every client and we get involved with them in their business to maximize every opportunity. We have put together a knowledgeable team of dedicated individuals whose goals are to best strengthen the position of our clients and to achieve their goals.
Kiwi Accountant offers a wide range of services to suit everyone. We like to work with you so that your time can be spent maximising your potential business and thus profits.
Kiwi Accountant is a division of Kiwi Financial Services Limited. We are Tax Agents, registered with the Inland Revenue Department of New Zealand since 2008. Kiwi Financial Services is a private limited liability company, registered with the New Zealand Companies Office under the Companies Act 1993.
Kiwi Accountant enlists the services of chartered accountants for IR3's, IR4's and IR6's Financial Statements and their Tax Returns.
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