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Kip McGrath Education Centres Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 05:12   Child Care Services   Servicing: Hamilton   31 views Reference: 247236
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Contact Info(s):

O: 078482262

F: 095341640

Opening hours


Products and Services


Youth, Children




Writing, Arithmetic, Spelling, Reading, Algebra, Literacy, Maths


Dyslexia, Reading Disorders


Study Skills



Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Personal Cheques

About Kip McGrath Education Centres

Professional Tutoring of MATHS and ENGLISH specialising in helping students of all ages in years 1-12.

Every child, teenager and adult has the right to reach their full learning potential. With over 100 Kip McGrath Education Centres across New Zealand and the South Pacific, and more than 30 years experience, our specialty learning programs are designed to help everyone shine: from pre-schoolers to university students.
Give your child the confidence to do their best at school by enrolling them in our private tutoring programs. Study courses are motivating, fun and engaging!
- Students are treated with respect and understanding.
- Achievement is natural and fun.
- A carefully graded curriculum enables progress that is constant, monitored and accelerated.
- Students are initially engaged in activities in which they feel confident and then progress at their own pace never feeling overwhelmed.
- Improvements follow naturally as concepts are explained, revised and practiced.
Our programs include :: Pre-school programs, Primary School Programs, Secondary School Programs, Tertiary Programs - Extension Programs
We provide two facilities in the Hamilton region
Corner Maeroa Rd & Rimu St :: 07 8482262
1st Floor Davies Corner :: 07 8535013

What makes us different

Kip McGrath is renowned for offering exceptional, high quality tutoring services for students aged Kindergarten to Year 13. Our tutors come highly regarded from parents and students alike. We work together with your child to help them achieve great academic results and find new confidence in their learning experiences.

Website: http://www.kipmcgrath.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KipMcGrathHamiltonNz

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kipmcgrathtutor

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/kipmcgrathAUS

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