Kings Automotive Repairs Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 18:16 Auto Services 66 Lake Road Hamilton 3204 16 views Reference: 260595Location: 66 Lake Road Hamilton 3204
Servicing: Waikato Region
Click to get direction: 66 Lake Road Hamilton 3204
Contact Info(s):
O: 078475530
Products and Services
VehiclesCars, Cars, Trucks, 4WD, Vans
AssurancesWOF, Warrant of Fitness
TradesAutomotive Mechanics
Vehicle Features4WD
ConcernsVehicle Damage, Scratches, Interior Damage, Structural Damage, Collisions, Accidents, Rust, Punctures, Dents, Auto Damage, Chips, Body Damage
FacilitiesAuto Machine Shops
PartsBrakes, Automatic Transmissions, Clutches, Ball Joints, Brake Shoes, Brake Linings, Brake Pads, Brake Drums, Clutch Cables, Clutches, Brake Fluids, Brake Hoses, CV Joints, Brakes, Batteries, Clutches, Cambelts
ServicesRecovery, Wheel Repairs, Rebuilding, Oil Changes, Reconditioning, Maintenance, Tune-ups, Balancing, Diagnostics, Repairs, Machining, Repairs, Inspections, Testing, Oil Changes, Maintenance, Inspections, Tune-ups, Tyre Balancing, Alignments, Repairs
Markets ServedCommercial
About Kings Automotive Repairs Ltd
For comprehensive mechanical repairs, be sure to get in touch with Kings Automotive Repairs Ltd! We are well equipped and experienced to confidently take care of your requirements, including: * Cars * Light Trucks * Warrants * Motorbike WOFs * Lubes * Tune-ups & Servicing * Brake & Clutch * Cambelt * Gearbox * Wheel Alignment * WINZ Quotes * Auto Diagnostics Approved * Wynns Evolution Servicing * Fleet Smart Authorised * Custom Fleet Authorised * Autosure Authorised * Orix Authorised * LPG Certs & Repairs We take pride in delivering our clients with an efficient, cost effective service. Everything we do is with your best interests in mind. You can trust us for all of your car and servicing repairs. Don't hesitate to give us a call today!
What makes us different
At Kings Automotive Repairs Ltd, we are your specialists when it comes to automotive repairs. We can cater to a wide variety of vehicles as well as repairing all damages. We allow WINZ quotes and will deliver you high quality workmanship by having your car on the road again.
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