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Kia Motors Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 20:01   Auto Services   Servicing: Auckland Region   17 views Reference: 58144

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0800639542

F: 034431999

About Kia Motors

Looking for quality, affordable cars and trucks to suit the active lifestyle while still living up to the demands of modern life? Then you need one of the exciting new cars and trucks available at Kia Motors. You will be spoilt for choice at the quality styles and exciting features available in our vehicles.

You would have noticed more Kias on the road lately and that is because ever since our arrival in New Zealand in 1995, New Zealanders have been embracing the Kia Brand. Hardly surprising when you consider our 5 year warranty programme and the attention we give to safety, design and fuel efficiency.

Visit our website to see our new range including Carens, Picanto, Rio, Cerato, Magentis, Sportage, Sorento, Carnival, K2700 or even better come in store today and speak with one of our Kia Specialists who will help you find that perfect car or truck you've been searching for.

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