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Kevin Walker Construction Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 19:27   Trades & Services   Servicing: Auckland Region   80 views Reference: 97746

0.0 star

Tagline: Also known as: Kevin Walker

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800538469

F: 0274942209

Products and Services


Walls, Driveways, Retaining Walls, Driveways, Retaining Walls, Footings


Fences, Retaining Fences, Slabs, Retaining Walls, Piling


Stabilisation, Building, Pile Driving, Drilling, Foundation Removals, Landscaping, Drilling, Earthmoving, Construction, Excavations


Concrete, Lumber, Concrete

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential



About Kevin Walker Construction

Looking for an experienced retaining wall specialist?

Kevin Walker Construction is a construction company that specialises in pole retaining walls and pole foundations. Owned and operated by a qualified builder with over 40 years experience.

Kevin Walker Construction is the company to call in the greater Auckland area (including the Hauraki Gulf) for retaining walls, new house pole foundations, slip remedial work or the repair of compromised foundations.

Well known for an ability to turn around the most difficult projects with ease Kevin Walker Construction will undertake a project from start to finish including the co-ordination of geo-technical reports, structural engineering plans, council permits and any sub contractors required.

We will co-ordinate the entire retaining wall project including:

  • Free initial consultation and quote
  • Co-ordination of geo-technical engineers
  • Council permits
  • All relevant sub-contractors

In many cases the retaining wall work undertaken both protects property and provides solutions that enhance property value.

Visit our website for more information or call us today!

What makes us different

We are a construction company specialising in pole retaining walls and pole foundations and have over 40 years building experience. We service the greater Auckland area and provide a friendly, honest and professional service.

Website: http://www.kevinwalker.co.nz

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