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Kendal Vehicle Services Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:31   Auto Services   20 Sheffield Crescent Russley Christchurch 8053   29 views Reference: 86798

0.0 star

Servicing: Christchurch

Click to get direction: 20 Sheffield Crescent Russley Christchurch 8053

Contact Info(s):

O: 033585381

About Kendal Vehicle Services

Kendal Vehicle Services (KVS) is a local business which has been servicing northwest Christchurch for over 23 years under the leadership of owner and Business Development Manager Carol Bradley. Carol quotes the secret of our success to be that 'We pride ourselves on having open and honest relationships with you; our clients and doing what is best for your vehicle while using quality parts and guaranteed workmanship'.

KVS is also a proud representative of the MTA and the nationwide Auto Super Shoppe group and a preferred service provider for all the major warranty companies including Leaseplan, Fleetpartners, Custom Fleet and Autosure. You get open and honest advice, as well as the promise that we will only undertake work once it's been authorized, so you will have no surprises when it comes time to pick up your vehicle.

We have a dedicated Warrant of Fitness (WOF) bay and 7 hoists to carry out routine vehicle servicing, we repair all makes and models of vehicles ranging from radiator leaks to complete motor and gearbox replacement. We also supply and fit new car batteries and tyres in Christchurch that normally beat the high priced street retailers). We have state of the art equipment including the latest technology Hunter Hawkeye Wheel Alignment Machine and the worlds most advanced plate-tronic brake tester Safe-T-Stop.

You will find Kendal Vehicle Services services particularly convenient if you live or work around the following areas:
Christchurch, Burnside, Avonhead, Harewood, Ilam, Bishopdale, Russley, Bryndwr, Papanui, Riccarton, and Christchurch Airport.

Our Vision - To have mutual respect of our people: team, client, supplier, community.

'An empowered organisation is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organisational success'
Stephen Covey

Core Focus - KVS core focus is to satisfy our customers' automotive service and repair needs. To achieve this we will work with our clients to ensure their vehicle will not only perform at its best today but will be less problematic in the future through preventative maintenance. We aim to under promise and over deliver.

Our Mission - To be the leader in our market by being 100% customer focused, delivering our services with added value, together with the highest level of quality and workmanship. Form long lasting relationships with our clients by understanding their needs and fulfilling them through listening, asking the right questions and careful and thoughtful consultation. Value our team as an important asset and assist them in achieving professional and personal goals. Encourage teamwork within the extended family including our people, their families, our clients, suppliers and associates. Be socially and environmentally aware and responsible.

To have the KVS brand recognized and respected.

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