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Kellys Automotive Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 01:12   Auto Services   14 Herekino Street Whangarei 0110   26 views Reference: 176337

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Click to get direction: 14 Herekino Street Whangarei 0110

Contact Info(s):

O: 094303728

About Kellys Automotive

We pride ourselves on being more than just European car mechanics. Northland car enthusiasts trust their prized European cars with us because they know well look after it as if it were our own.

Our vision
The team at Kellys are passionate about European cars and are dedicated to providing our Northland customers with the highest level of personalised service. From offering courtesy cars to a pick-up, drop-off service, we go that extra mile for our customers, ensuring that having their car serviced or repaired is a hassle-free experience.

Our team
We have a team of master technicians specialising in European and electric vehicles. We make a point of constantly updating our knowledge of cutting-edge diagnostic technology to give you accurate feedback on how your vehicle is performing.
We make it our business to keep up to date with advances in car technology, with master technicians in store for Audi, VW, Skoda, Porsche, BMW and Volvo.

Our workshop
We have a strong focus on having the best equipment and the best staff so that our customers get the best service. Our diagnostic equipment is state of the art and is regularly updated to keep pace with developments in automotive technology.
For the best European car mechanics Northland has to offer, contact the team at Kellys Automotive.

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